Raytracing for your Unity projects, which are still using the built-in render pipelines and URP! This plugin allows for RTX-driven reflections and shadows, in both the forward and deferred renderers, and URP.
For more detail this asset from the Unity Asset Store: Click Here
This is a paid asset, but now you can download the “Corgi Raytracing” for FREE, Please keep in mind this package is provided only for learning purposes or to be able to test before buying the product, NOT FOR COMMERCIAL PURPOSES.
Corgi Raytracing – Built-in RP + URP v1.5.3
This plugin is compatible with the builtin render pipeline’s forward and deferred renderers, as well as URP’s forward renderer, including URP’s VR Single Pass Instanced render mode.
This does NOT work with HDRP.
The following effects are currently available:
* Reflections
* Shadows
* Volumetric Shadows
Yes, the corgi FBX is included.
If you have any requests, feel free to ask! Support is available by email, feel free to ask for help.
Most current documentation: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1csXq_vzZtPvxA64QkdDHi_bfYB3VWu-tGvMg7XCJYmQ/
PLEASE read the documentation’s section on platform support before purchasing!
Getting Started (All Pipelines)
Note: For Windows, Unity must be in DX12 mode.
The very first thing you need to do is locate the prefab PfbRaytraceDataManager and place it into the scene. This manager handles updating Unity’s RayTracingAccelerationStructure. Without it, the other components cannot function properly. It’s recommended to either place one in every scene with “DoNotDestroyOnSceneChange” disabled, or to place it in your startup scene with that option enabled. Or, you can keep that option disabled, and manage its lifetime yourself, manually.
Raytraced Reflections
On your game camera, add the component RaytraceReflectionsManager. When this script is attached, you should immediately see reflections in your scene, assuming you have highly reflective surfaces visible, that are using either the custom standard shader, or a custom shader modified with added raytracing passes.
If, in the likely scenario, you are still using the Standard shader or some custom shaders, you will not yet see the reflections. For our raytraced reflections to work, ALL shaders must either be modified or replaced, such that they include a Raytraced Reflection pass.
Corgi Raytracing comes with some standard shader replacements, so you can get started quickly.
For URP, when using Raytraced Reflections, you should disable the Environmental Reflections toggle in your Lit materials. Otherwise, you will have URP’s reflections (skybox) overlaid on top of the RTX reflections, which looks pretty bad.
Raytraced Shadows
On your game camera, add the component RaytraceShadowsManager. Similar to the reflections component, for this effect to work, your shaders must contain the appropriate raytrace pass.
You can quickly get started by just replacing your standard shaders with our builtin replacement.
Or, you can add in the appropriate fallback to quickly add support to existing shaders.