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This is a paid asset, but now you can download Curved UI – VR Ready Solution To Bend / Warp Your Canvas! Free.
Curved UI – VR Ready Solution To Bend / Warp Your Canvas v3.2 (Latest version)
Curved UI – VR Ready Solution To Bend / Warp Your Canvas v3.1
Curved UI – VR Ready Solution To Bend / Warp Your Canvas v2.8p2
Curved UI – VR Ready Solution To Bend / Warp Your Canvas v2.8
The only true curved interface system on asset store. Tested by thousands of developers. Made for Unity Canvas. Supports TextMeshPro.
10-second setup. Simply add a component to your canvas and choose how you want to interact with it.
✔ Mouse
✔ Gaze
✔ SteamVR (both 1.4 and 2.0+)
✔ OculusVR (Rift, Rift S, Quest, Go, GearVR, etc)
✔ GoogleVR (Daydream, Cardboard, etc)
✔ Unity XR Toolkit
✔ Your own control method. See code snippet.
An all-in-one VR interface package designed for the new Unity Canvas system. Bends the canvas in world space, allowing the player to view and interact with it from any angle. Create intricate designs, while still using the same Unity canvas workflow you’re used to!
Enrich your VR project with UI that will fully immerse your players. Get that Minority Report feel with curved, interactive screens.
✔ 180 degree cylindrical shape to wrap your interface around the player.
✔ Ring shape to instantly create circular shapes from ordinary assets.
✔ Semisphere shape for that space helmet feel.
✔ Easy set-up – takes less than 10 seconds!
✔ Works with all render pipelines.
✔ Works with any VR headset.
✔ Built-in Gaze-To-Click feature.
✔ Works great in 2D.
✔ Supports interactions with 3D objects via EventTrigger component.
✔ Supports Text Mesh Pro.
✔ Optimized to reduce poly count.
✔ Works on mobile.
✔ Broad selection of small code snippets to let you get the most out of added functionalities.
Getting started
Setting up CurvedUI in a new scene
Create a Canvas and switch it to World Space mode.
Add CurvedUISettings component to Canvas gameobject.
Set desired angle in CurvedUISettings component.
Start the game.
You can change the angle at runtime using Angle property in CurvedUISettings component. CurvedUI will automatically update child gameobjects. Additionally, you can change more advanced settings in CurvedUISettings component like Shape, Control Method or whether the canvas should be interactable at all
SteamVR – Getting started
Import SteamVR plugin to your project.
Add CameraRig prefab or Player prefab from SteamVR to the scene.
Add CurvedUISettings to your canvas.
Set CurvedUISettings’ Control Method to STEAMVR
Press the “Enable” button in CurvedUISettings
(Optional) 5. Drop CurvedUILaserPointer prefab anywhere on the scene. It will be your laser guide.
You can also open the “SteamVR Starter” demo scene. It has been set up before for you. You only need to do #4 to make it work.
GoogleVR – Getting started
Import Google VR SDK for Unity version 1.110 or later to the project.
Add GoogleVR prefabs you want to use to the scene.
Add CurvedUISettings to your canvas.
Set CurvedUISettings’ Control Method to GoogleVR.
Click “Enable” under the control method dropdown on CurvedUISettings component.
You can also open the “GoogleVR Starter” demo scene. It has been set up before for you. You only need to do #5 to make it work.
IMPORTANT: There is a bug in GoogleVR plugin that causes mouse click to not work in the Editor. Please read this thread on GoogleVR github on how to fix it.
OculusVR – Getting started
Add OVRCameraRig prefab from Oculus Utilities package to your scene.
Add CurvedUISettings to your canvas.
Set CurvedUISettings’ Control Method to OCULUSVR
Press the “Enable” button in CurvedUISettings
(Optional) Import OvrAvatar package and add LocalAvatar prefab to your scene. This will let you see the controllers’ models.
(Optional) Place CurvedUILaserPointer prefab in the RightHandAnchor of oculus rig. It will be your laser pointer.
You can also open the “OculusVR Starter” demo scene. It has been set up before for you. You only need to do #4 to make it work.
Unity XR Toolkit – Getting started
Import Unity XR Toolkit and CurvedUI to your project.
Set up XR so you have a canvas on a scene with a button you can click and all is working as it should.
Add the CurvedUISettings component to your canvas.
Select UNITY_XR as the control method and click the Enable button.
Assign left and right XR Controllers’ references on the CurvedUISettings component.
(Optional) Choose which button to use as UI Button on the XR Controller component. Defaults to trigger.
(Optional) Drop in CurvedUILaserPointer prefab anywhere on the scene for laser and hand-switching-on-trigger-press functionality.
Other platforms or remotes – Custom Ray
You can use any third party physical or virtual remotes as CurvedUI input. To do this, set your CurvedUISettings to Custom Ray control method and place following script somewhere on the scene: (Of course, you have to fill the variables there with your remote’s data)
You can also Add ControllerLaserPointer prefab as a child of your remote’s transform to give it a laser pointer.