Euclidean Portal System

by [email protected]

The system also provides for shooting through the portal, so it can be used to create a shooter when opponents are in different worlds and cause damage to each other through the portal. Therefore, shooting and reloading capabilities have been added.

For more detail this asset from the Unity Asset Store: Click Here

This is a paid asset, but now you can download the “Euclidean Portal System” for FREE, Please keep in mind this package is provided only for learning purposes or to be able to test before buying the product, NOT FOR COMMERCIAL PURPOSES.

Euclidean Portal System v1.0.7

VIP Only

Briefly about how the system works:
Two locations (Place A, Place B) located quite far from each other contain two portals.

Each portal has its own camera (Camera A, Camera B), which completely copy the position and rotation from the player’s view of each frame. This creates the illusion of a portal.

When entering the portal, the player imperceptibly moves to another place, and when shooting at him, in addition to
moving, the angle of entry of the bullet is calculated.

📌 Portals can take any shape, be located at any distance and there will always be smooth teleportation without flickering.

📌 The portal system is friendly to any first-person controllers, only the presence of a collider is required.

📌 This portal system was developed for mobile devices, so it is well optimized.

You can learn more about this asset by watching the demo video. And if you are interested in how it works, then watch this video.

For testing portals, this asset includes a first person controller system from my previous asset.

Below you can find a link to the apk file to make sure the asset is working properly for you.

Technical details
Supported platforms: Android/IOS/PC

Documentation: Included

Briefly about the purpose of each script:
1. CameraRotation – responsible for turning the camera by touching the player’s finger
on the screen;
2. FireButton – tracks clicks on the firing button;
3. Gun – responsible for shooting, reloading, counting the remaining
cartridges, etc.;
4. Joystick – moves the player around the terrain depending on;


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