Planet Creator

by [email protected]

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Planet Creator v1.1.0 (Latest version)

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TAF’s Planet Creator contains Shaders, Textures, Custom Editors and a lot of premade Materials and Prefabs to build the planets of your taste.


Main Features

– 5 different Shaders for Planets, Rings and Moons
– A user-friendly Planet Creator Editor
– 112 ready-to-use Prefabs
– 92 premade Materials
– 70 premade Textures


5 different Shaders for Planets, Rings and Moons

– an earthlike Planet Shader to create highly customized Planets out of the rgba-channels of the base Texture (red channel for water color, green for land color, blue for ice color and alpha for specularity), a Cloud Texture and a City Lights Texture -> adjust specularity, glossiness and rim light as you like

– a foreign Planet Shader to create highly customized Planets out of rgb-channels of the base Texture (red channel for primary color, green channel for secondary color, blue channel for specularity), a Cloud Texture and a City Light Texture -> adjust specularity, glossiness and rim light as you like

– a Moon Shader to create highly customized Moons out of rgb-channels of the base Texture (red channel for primary color, green channel for secondary color, blue channel for specularity) and a City Light Texture -> adjust specularity, glossiness and rim light as you like

– a simple Planet and Moon Shader where you can use any Texture you want -> alpha channel is used for specularity

– an advanced Ring Shader to create highly customized Planet Rings out of the rgb-channels of the base Texture (red channel for primary color, green channel for secondary color, blue channel for transparency)

– a simple Ring Shader where you can use any Texture you want -> alpha channel is used for transparency

– all Shaders run smoothly on mobile devices


A user-friendly Planet Creator Editor

– just add the script “TAF Planet Creator” to an empty GameObject and you are ready to go!

– use the advantage of all highly customizable Shaders inside the user-friendly Planet Creator Editor and build your custom planet with just a few clicks

– change the look of your Planet with 21 customizable base Textures, 9 Cloud Textures, 15 City Light Textures and 30 premade Textures

– set the Planet size, rotation speed, cloud movement, polycount, specularity, glossiness and rim light

– add a Ring around your Planet with just one click and design it with 10 customizable base Textures or 20 premade Textures

– set the Ring size, angle, rotation speed, emission power and transparency

– add up to 4 Moons for each planet that will orbit around it -> the orbit circle is displayed in the editor while you can set the distance to the Planet, the orbit speed and the orbit angle

– design each Moon with 6 customizable base Textures, 15 City Light Textures and 20 premade Textures

– set the Moon size, angle, rotation speed, polycount, specularity, glossiness and rim light

– select your own custom 3D Models for the Planet, the Ring or the Moons -> that way you can create a space station with space ships flying around in its orbit


112 ready-to-use Planet Prefabs

– just drag & drop the Prefabs into your scene to quickly fill your universe

– All Prefabs can be quickly edited to fit your needs


92 premade Materials

– use the Materials on your own Planet Models and benefit from the premade design

– get inspiration or use them as the base for your own custom Materials


70 premade Textures

– benefit from the 70 premade Textures (30 Planet Textures, 20 Ring Textures, 20 Moon Textures) and use them inside the simple Shaders

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