UFP – Ultra Fast PostProcessing (URP, Default)

by [email protected]

This is a paid asset, but now you can download UFP – Ultra Fast PostProcessing (URP, Default) for FREE, but please remember this package is provided only for learning purposes or to be able to test before buying the product, NOT FOR COMMERCIAL PURPOSES.

Detail this asset from Unity Store: Original Link

UFP – Ultra Fast PostProcessing URP Default v1.1.1

(Tested with Unity version 2020.3.23f1)

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This is a special very fast postprocessing shader, there are many author’s algorithms, this is not huge scripts targeted on fast render, and in the future the list will be expanded.

I run asset on The Samsung J1 (2016) ($75) 1.3 GHz ARM with 1 GB of RAM

I enabled LUTs, Gradient, Posterization Dithering, Glow, DOF, SSAO

I was working pretty good on 20-25 FPS, but this phone has only 480×800 resolution

So I would like to know your opinion, just every thing takes time, and I want to know what is the better to do first :

There are three things that I can done in the nearer future

Improve performance (I used highp for whole shader to reach maximum quiality on mobiles, so I can inspect it and optimize to reach about +10%-25% of performance, also I can inspect effects, I can add some baked operations, and I can combine effects for using same data to reduce the amount of computation)
Improve existing effects
Add new effects variants with higher quality but lower performance
Also I plan to add some good example scenes, and add 20-30 pre-prepeared Profiles, for different situations and scenes

This asset supported URP and Default renders, asset will automatically switch to URP, just add component on your camera.

It will be available for you:


1000+ (2D/1024) LUTs and special LUTs manager is main feature allows you quickly change render colors style. You can choose between 1000 included LUTs, plus you can create your own one using
Four Posterization effects. Posterization gives a more aggressive style for your colors, plus you can choose special LUTs posterization option which differs from the standard method
Dithering allows you to apply special style for your image. There are a lot of options like 1-bit dither, Animated dither, Texture using
Pixelization you can resize pixels add scale lines or distortion

Ultra fast Glow effect. This are utra fast features for your mobile, now you can use DOF even on lowend devices. But of course there are some quality costs, but everything can always be made even better
Ultra fast Depth of Field effect. This are utra fast features for your mobile, now you can use DOF even on lowend devices. But of course there are some quality costs, but everything can always be made even better
Post Effects

Few Sharpness effects. Few fast sharpness effects allow you to icrease level of detail on boundaries
Four Outline effects. Furthermore there are four fast outline effect which also affect on your objects’ boundaries
Simple ultra fast Motion Blur. Finally i want to introduce the last few extremely useful features. Fake Motion Blue, of course it is not an exact algorithm it just an approximation but it is fery fast approximation allows you to substitute slow quality effect
Ultra fast SSAO. Second one is ultra fast SSAO, another author’s algorithm, that also has drawbacks due to ultra fast SSAO uses the minimum number of samples, but anyway it should work on any devices
FOG by distance with Fake Volume Texture. And lastly few fog effects, with animated textures and fake volume effects
FOG by height with Fake Volume Texture
Another pixels and colors distortions will be awaliable soon.

I will contnue to track issues. If you will try to use this asset write me what do you think, becaues it is very important for me, I see a lot of people interested in this asset, but I don’t know are you happy with the result. Maybe some of the effects do not look what you expected. I realy want you to like this asset. Thanks for your support.

Sometimes it happens that the fast alghotims give artifacts, but we can always find a balance.

I also wanted to note that if you have interest: realistic and pretty nice and fast water for low end devices= will be published soon. It will also be for URP and Default, I just need to find out how to use renderwithshader with URP

Do not hesitate to ask questions https://forum.unity.com/threads/ufp-ultra-fast-postprocessing-urp-default-2021-new-beta-firstlaunch.1203676/

You can download documentation pdf file here: UFR PostProcessing Documentation.pdf

WEB SITE: https://emem.store

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