Low Poly Trees – Pack

by [email protected]

This is a paid asset, but now you can download Low Poly Trees – Pack Free.

Detail this asset from Unity Store: Original Link

Low Poly Trees – Pack v1.4.3 (Latest version)

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This package contains a huge variety of different trees ready to use for your game levels. Just drag and drop prefabs to your scene and achieve beautiful results in no time. PC, mobile and VR friendly assets.

Read more in depth about this package on: Website

Optimized for
– PC
– Mobile
– VR

Supported Render Pipelines
– Standard
– LWRP (read included Documentation!)
– HDRP (read included Documentation!)
– URP (read included Documentation!)

446 unique low poly tree prefabs:
– 45 Acacia Trees
– 51 Apple Trees
– 40 Birch Trees
– 18 Dead Trees
– 29 Fir Trees
– 39 Oak Trees
– 54 Palm Trees
– 61 Pine Trees
– 43 Random Trees
– 30 Simple Trees
– 36 Thuja Tress

+446 the same tree prefabs with a snow!

114 unique low poly wood prefabs:
– 34 Stumps
– 40 Logs
– 40 firewood

+114 the same stump, Log, and firewood prefabs with a snow!

12 Other Prefabs:
– 5 Palm Leaves
– 3 Pine Spikes
– 2 Apples
– 2 Coconuts

+12 the same leave, apple, and coconut prefabs with a snow!

Also, you get 23 Bonus prefabs:
– 12 Tileable Terrain Planes
– 1 Tileable Water Plane
– 5 Hills
– 1 Mountain
– 4 Clouds

– 1 Material and 1 Texture atlas 1024×1024 (used for all tree / wood prefabs)
– 1 NEW Autumn texture added! Apply this texture instead of the original one to change all tree leaves color to a yellow/orange Autumn look.

Also, a few materials used for demo scenes included:
– 1 Cloud material
– 1 Water material
– 1 Mountain material
– 8 Terrain materials

– Easy to use – just drag & drop prefabs to your scene.
– Every prefab pivot is at the center bottom of the model, so you can easily drop it on the ground, scale and rotate. Terrain planes use pivot at the corners for easy snapping.
– Easy to change colors.
– Real world scale.
– All prefab meshes are One Sided as it should be + you get Fir, Palm, and Pine Tree prefabs with Two-Sided leaves.
– Bonus prefabs has Mesh Colliders attached except Clouds and Water plane.

– Choose between simple or snowy prefabs. Or use Autumn texture to change the look(Autumn texture included).
– Choose between Trees with and without bottom faces.
– Choose between prefabs with very low poly mesh Colliders (more accurate collision) or Capsule Colliders (better performance and Unity Terrain support).

– All tree & wood prefabs with and without the snow use 1 Material and 1 Albedo Texture Atlas 1024×1024.
– 3 levels of LOD prefabs included.
– Lightmap support (Realtime GI or Baked GI).
– Optimized for low end devices.

– Tris count, wireframe images, and more info here: Website

The package also includes:
– .PSD & .afdesign Texture Atlas 2048×2048 files included (Easy to change colors).
– Documentation.pdf (MUST READ!).
– License (MUST READ!).
– 7 Demo scenes as you can see in the pictures are included + 3 Scenes to show off all assets.

Tested and Works Perfect on all versions of Unity (from 2018.4 LTS):
Unity 2018.4.1 LTS
Unity 2019.1
Unity 2020.1 and up

*all simple Demo Scenes were made to show off assets!
*All Screenshots and videos were captured on PC build!
*Music and sounds from the video are not included!


If you have any questions or suggestions about the assets, please contact me.

Follow me on Twitter: @lmhpoly
Contact email: [email protected]

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