Flash To Unity

by [email protected]

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Flash To Unity v3.0.9 (Latest version)

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How does Flash to Unity work?

Flash To Unity has an automated pipeline integrated on Unity 3D that allows to import textures, animations, texts and sounds from the XFL flash format into Unity Resources folder, for more details about the pipeline process please check the user manual and the video tutorials (links are included below).

Flash to Unity also provides functionality to create fully customizable screens and UI components using XFL files as scenes.

Demo| Web| F2U Answers

• Custom 2D animations import from Adobe® Flash®, supports:
– Labels layer.
– Actions layer (Stop, GotoAndPlay, GotoAndStop).
– Sounds layer.
– Sprite and Text layers support tweens (Classic and Simple ease).
– Folders, Guides.
• Custom Graphics components used to render the animations:
– Sprite, integrated with the new Unity SpriteRenderer, for older versions of Unity there are another custom sprite is used instead.
– Text.
• Custom 2D UI Components (with Multi resolution support, controller input, and intuitive UI events).
– Buttons (Simple, Animated, Hiperlink).
– Checkbox.
– Scroll Panel.
– Text Input.
– Popup (Simple and Animated).
– Gestures (Drag, Rotate, Scale, Swipe, Tap).
– Progress Bar.
– Slider.
• Localization (Textures, Sounds, Fonts, Texts).
• Documentation
– User Manual (Included in the package).
– Video Tutorials.
– Release notes.
– Source code documentation (API documentation included in the package).
• Examples
– Example scenes included in the package.
• Free tools are included in the package (Java texture packer, Font Packer).
• Good error/warning handling and reporting on Unity Console.
• 2D Sound manager.
• Automatic memory management for textures, fonts, sounds.
• Automatic texture packing.

Additional Information:
– Requires Unity 4.3 or above, doesn’t require Unity Pro.
– Fully tested and optimized on iOS, Android, Web, Mac, Windows.
– Automated Unity import pipeline is fully tested on Windows (XP, 7, 8) and OSx.
– Full source code provided.

Video tutorials:
1 – Creating Textures and Animations
2 – Creating Fonts and Text
3 – Creating Text from XFL
4 – Creating Animations from Templates


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