Clothing Culler

by [email protected]

Clothing Culler is a tool that helps solve clipping issues between your character and multiple combinations of clothing by culling meshes based on baked occlusion data.

For more detail this asset from the Unity Asset Store: Click Here

This is a paid asset, but now you can download the “Clothing Culler” for FREEPlease keep in mind that this package is provided only for learning purposes or to test before buying the product, NOT FOR COMMERCIAL PURPOSES.

Clothing Culler v1.1.12

VIP Only

Endless combinations

When fixing clipping issues in 3D software, many clothing combinations can lead to a time consuming process of making meshes.

For example, when your character can wear a t-shirt, jacket and a pair of gloves it will require 7 different body meshes and this number will grow exponentially as you add more.

With Clothing Culler, you just configure the three pieces of clothing and it will sort out the combinations for you at runtime.

Generate and paint occlusion data once

Clothing Culler can generate occlusion data for your clothing combinations. If there is some clipping, you can refine the data by painting the faces that need to be occluded.

Easy to integrate

Clothing Culler is extremely easy to integrate. Just add a component to your character and (de)register your clothing at it.


Character and clothing rigs must be compatible
Clothing must be weight painted
Package does NOT include any character or clothing models
Technical details


Endless combinations of clothing possible
Runtime culling based on baked occlusion data
Generate occlusion data
Refine occlusion data by painting faces
Low runtime overhead
Easy to integrate
Supports all render pipelines (Standard/URP/HDRP)
Supports LOD groups
Supports blendshapes


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