Ambient Sounds – Interactive Soundscapes

by [email protected]

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Ambient Sounds – Interactive Soundscapes v1.2.5

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Welcome to Ambient Sounds, the Interactive Soundscapes system for Unity.

Ambient Sounds organizes your tracks and effects into Sequences that can be used in a multitude of ways to create dynamic soundscapes for your game.

Ambient Sounds allows you to to easily configure Global, 1D, 2D, and 3D areas to create unique global and regional atmospheres in your game.

The Ambient Sounds event and modifier system allows you to dynamically influence and even switch the sequences being played, via a API.

Ambient Sounds includes an overview of your games audio through a Monitor window that shows debug information in real time.

Ambient Sounds also comes with a library of professionally composed and produced music and sound effects to get you up and running.

Stop fiddling with dozens of individual audio scripts in your scene and take back control with Ambient Sounds!

Ambient Sounds allows you to:
– Organize your audio clips into Sequences with combined playback settings;
– Play Sequences either globally or locally in a certain area of your game world;
– Pair multiple Sequences of background noises and music to create a unique soundscape for each location in your game;
– Blend seamlessly between soundscapes in different regions;
– Make Sequences interactive by controlling them through Requirements;
– Modify Sequences on the fly to react to Events in your game;
– Synchronize Playback between Sequences to make them start and end at the same time even if they are different in duration.;
– Keep control over your Ambient Audio setup with comprehensive lists of all Sequences and conditions in your scene in the Ambient Sounds Manager Window.

Optimal Workflow, Minimal Coding:
Ambient Sounds organizes Sounds that belong together into a Sequence. Sequences are reusable and can be played back in Areas which can be distinctive regions in your game. You can create Modifiers to adjust playback parameters of Sequences in real time. The code required to integrate Ambient Sounds with your gameplay is minimal – you can call simple one-line functions anywhere from your scripts to update Ambient Sounds with Events and Values from your game.

Example use cases:
– Create a forest soundscape that plays back different music and sounds (birds, frogs, branches breaking, wind rustling) depending on time of day and / or weather;
– Play sounds coming from random places around the player or a certain location;
– Play more and more intense wind as the player scales up a mountain;
– Change the music to a combat theme as the player gets attacked;
– Slowly blend to a dark and moody soundtrack when the player enters a cave;
– Make a sequence more and more intense by adding additional sequences that play back more music / sounds;
– Play music faster as the game enters the final seconds before the time limit ends;
– Automatically duck / mute music playback while dialogue audio plays;
– Stop music playback as the player enters a building and resume as they leave again;
– Play sounds around the player that follow with the player’s movement as they weave a magical spell;
– Quickly re-use the Ambient Audio Areas in different places of your game or in other projects.

Documentation & Playable Demo Scene:
Playable Windows Demo

Upgrade Policy:
Every year as we further develop our products we will charge a nominal upgrade fee which is usually around 20% of the normal purchase price for the next major release of our software. These upgrades are aligned to the major Unity versions they support. For example CTS 2019 will be enhanced and supported for the full Unity 2019 product cycle. You are not obliged to update to newer versions of our products if you do not need to, however old versions of our products will not be supported on new versions of Unity. All upgrade money is fed back to the team to ensure that we can continue to update, grow and support our products and customers over time.

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Why Procedural Worlds?
At Procedural Worlds we create quality products that are easy to use, nicely integrated and well supported. We document our products and help you to get the best out of them and Unity with over 100 video tutorials on our YouTube channel. Your investment supports our team so that we can create better products sooner and provide you with timely support now. To learn more about us please check out our reviews and then come and say hello or ask a question on our discord channel.

Our World Creation Products:
Gaia Pro – A world and scene generation system for creating, texturing, planting and populating scenes from low poly mobile, VR and through to high end desktop.

GeNa 2 – Nominated by Unity as one of the best assets of 2018, GeNa 2 is a sophisticated level design tool that augments Gaia’s broad brush strokes, by working intuitively to give fine grained control in the placement of assets into your scene.

CTS 2019 – Nominated by Unity of as one of the best assets in 2017, a PBR terrain shading system that significantly improves terrain look, performance and usability.

SECTR Complete 2019 – A suite of performance-enhancing tools that enable open world streaming, massive mobile games and includes the latest techniques in audio occlusion and propagation.

Our World Enhancement Products:
Ambient Sounds – A tool that creates interactive soundscapes that also comes with professionally composed sound effects and music library.

Ambient Skies – An integrated Skies, Post FX and Lighting system that makes it easy to create visually beautiful scenes.

Real Ivy 2 – An awesome procedural ivy and plant generation system.

World Manager API – A FREE light weight command and control system for Unity 3D that manages all your environmental assets via one simple API.

Our Utilities:
Pegasus – A system that can drive anything along a path. Great for cut-scenes, and even has an intelligent driver that drives characters, formations, animation and even has local avoidance for your npc’s and animals!

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