Magnetic Scroll View

by [email protected]

Detail this asset from Unity Store: Original Link

This is a paid asset, but now you can download Magnetic Scroll View Free.

Magnetic Scroll View v1.5.2 (Latest version)

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Magnetic Scroll View v1.5

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Magnetic Scroll View v1.3.5.1

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Magnetic Scroll View is a Scroll View System that allows the user to scroll panels by swiping

There are four snap modes, these are:

Swipe Mode – In this mode, the users just need to Swipe in one of four directions (UP, DOWN, RIGHT, LEFT), then the next/previous panel will snap to the center.
Snap To Nearest – This will make the closest panel to snap on the center after dragging them.

Both – Work the same way as Swipe mode, but when the swipe is cancelled, the nearest element will snap on the center.

None – This mode allows the user to drag the panels freely.

You can easily choose some settings, according to yours needs:

– Fit the panel size to the viewport or configure the size by yourself.
– Set it to align vertically or horizontally.
– Change Layout mode (Circular or Linear).
– Circular factor to defines how circular the elements will be positioned.
– Set up paddings between panels.
– Add limits to the extremities.
– Invert the elements order of alignment.
– Add margin between element and viewport.
– Enable infinite scrolling that allows to scroll infinitely, going from first to last element and vice versa (Circular Layout Mode only).
– Transition speed.
– Slows down the dragging speed.
– Min and Max Swipe time.
– Add the Swipe events you need.
– Use Buttons.
– Show Index Table.
– Mask viewport.
– Show viewport mask image.

The best thing is you can create a new Magnetic Scroll View by simply clicking in:
GameObject / UI / Magnetic Scroll View

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