Animatext – Text Animation System

by [email protected]

Animatext is a simple, flexible, and powerful text animation system for Unity. It can help you to make different types of text animations quickly and efficiently, including titles, numbers, dialogues, introductions and so on.

For more detail this asset from the Unity Asset Store: Click Here

This is a paid asset, but now you can download the “Animatext – Text Animation System” for FREE, Please keep in mind this package is provided only for learning purposes or to be able to test before buying the product, NOT FOR COMMERCIAL PURPOSES.

Animatext – Text Animation System v1.1.0

VIP Only

Animatext core system
UGUI version / TextMeshPro version
90+ effects / 450+ presets
Offline documentation
Full C# source code



Rich text tags
Just like using rich text, you can add the specified tags to the text of the text component to obtain the corresponding text animations in the animation system.

Flexible character combinations
The animation system has 5 main unit execution modes: character, word, line, group, and range. You can use the unit tags to redefine the character combinations of the units in character, word, and line modes.

Free execution
In the animation system, you can execute the text preset as you want. You can combine multiple presets in the same effect. You can use the tag order to modify the execution order of the preset tag range. You can use the tag interval to adjust the execution time of the preset tag range.

Many kinds of text animations
The animation system contains more than 90 effects of 8 kinds, including basic, elastic, bounce, back, wave, fade, step, and custom. Each text effect contains the text presets of character, word, line, group, and range.

Customizable presets
Every preset in the animation system contains rich and user-friendly parameters. You can easily get amazing text presets with simple modifications in just a few minutes.

Controllable effects
The animation system provides the common effect control functions. You can use the codes to control the effect state, effect time, effect speed and so on.

Extendable preset scripts
The animation system provides the animation methods of each unit, including position, rotation, scale, skew, opacity and so on. You can modify the built-in preset scripts in the animation system without limitation or write your own preset scripts.



UGUI Version
✓ – UGUI Text

✓ – All the rich text tags : a, b, color, i, material, quad, size

✓ – All the text overflow modes : overflow, wrap, truncate

✓ – Fonts / Materials

✓ – Shadow / Outline / BaseMeshEffect

TextMeshPro Version
✓ – TextMeshPro / TextMeshProUGUI

✓ – All the rich text tags :

align, alpha, b, color, cspace, font, i, indent, line-height, line-indent, link, lowercase, margin, mark, mspace, noparse, nobr, page, pos, s, size, smallcaps, space, sprite, style, sub, sup, u, uppercase, voffset, width

✓ – All the text overflow modes :

overflow, ellipsis, masking, truncate, scroll rect, page, linked

✓ – Font Assets / Material Presets

✓ – Style Sheets / Text Styles

✓ – Sprites / Emojis

* – Note: Underlines, strikethroughs and markings don’t execute text animations.

Third-party Integration
✓ – Dialogue System for Unity

✓ – PlayMaker

✓ – Quest Machine

✓ – Yarn Spinner


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