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Asset Finder PRO

by [email protected]

This is a paid asset, but now you can download Asset Finder PRO Free.

Detail this asset from Unity Store: Original Link

Asset Finder PRO v1.7.2 (Latest version)

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Is this tool for me?
Would you like to speed up level building?
Do you sometimes have a hard time finding the asset/script file you are looking for?
Do you have a number of assets it would be great to have at the tip of your fingers?

If any of the above applies, then Asset Finder PRO is the tool for you!

What does it do?
Asset Finder PRO is a tool that will ease your daily workflow building content and levels. This is done in 3 distinct ways:

1: A comprehensive automatic history of all the assets you have been using recently, which allows you to quickly find the things you use the most.

2: A list of your own favorites for easy access (Both folders and individual assets)

3: A list of all the prefabs being used in current scene. That allows you to quickly find anything often used in a specific scene.

These 3 methods will allow you to speed up your level building and content creation, and not spend time searching through obscure folders to find the assets you need.

Does it support multiple users?
Asset Finder PRO is built to support multi-user development, automatically creating custom favorites for each team member, while also supporting a painless version control workflow.
You are also able to copy favorites from other profiles, allowing for shared profiles that multiple team members can benefit from.

Is source code available?
Full source code is indeed available.

Favorites PRO is a Unity tool that allows to build levels and content much faster. It allows you to
store and search your favorites, while also maintaining a detailed history of your actions, allowing
you to find assets you’ve recently used. Thirdly Favorites PRO also allows to see what assets are
most recently used in the current scene, again speeding up the process of finding the assets you
need, when you need it.
Main elements
The window has three main panes in which asset information is stored:
• Favorites: Your own custom favorites
• History: A list of actions you taken; adding, pasting and duplicating assets
• Scene data: A list of all the prefabs used in the current scene (Sorted by usage count)

Nesting the window
When you import Favorites PRO the first time, the window will open automatically. It is
recommended to nest it next to either the Hierarchy or Project window, but obviously that is up to
you. If you want to stop making the window open automatically, you can toggle that setting in

When in the favorites pane, you are able to see all the assets and folders you have added to your
favorites. The list is searchable and can be restricted by type. Each individual asset has a small
thumbnail image that allows you to get an overview. You can also have folders marked as favorites, if
that fits your workflow better.
Adding new favorite
There are two ways of adding new favorites to your list:
1. (Shortcut key) Select a prefab in the hierarchy window, or any asset in the project window
and the pressing CTRL-T
2. (Context menu) Right click the asset and choose “Favorites PRO  Add asset to favorites”

Searching favorites
The search bar allows you to search your favorites in a convenient way.
By pressing the little magnifying glass, you will be able to choose which asset types you want to
Whatever you write in the search bar will search all assets in your favorites list. It searches through
Asset name, Asset path and Asset type.

The History tab keeps track of all your action adding, copying and duplicating assets. That means you
will always have a list where you can find assets you’ve recently used. The list can either by sorted by
history, or by frequency which means the assets you use the most will be on top

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