AVC – Arcade Vehicle Controller – for cars bikes trucks etc

by [email protected]

This is a paid asset, but now you can download AVC – Arcade Vehicle Controller for FREE, but please remember this package is provided only for learning purposes or to be able to test before buying the product, NOT FOR COMMERCIAL PURPOSES.

Detail this asset from Unity Store: Original Link

AVC – Arcade Vehicle Controller – for cars bikes trucks etc v1.5.4 (Latest version)

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AVC – Arcade Vehicle Controller – for cars bikes trucks etc v1.5

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AVC – Arcade Vehicle Controller v1.12

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Arcade Vehicle Controller (AVC) is a simple vehicle controller asset allowing you to create any type of vehicle – car, hover car, motorbike, boat. The customizable arcade-y feel to the vehicles gives a fun, satisfying, player experience to your vehicles.

Included is a Vehicle Builder editor window, which allows you to setup a new vehicle in seconds! Just link the required objects and fill in the details, press a button and you’ve got your new vehicle!

The values for a vehicle (speed, turning, drifting, etc.) are saved in a ScriptableObject, meaning you can re-use the same values for hundreds of different vehicles, and only have to tweak them in 1 place.

Also included, are examples of how to interact with the vehicle controller for player input and AI

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