Camera Play

by [email protected]

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Camera Play v1.3.2 (Latest version)

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Camera Play v1.3.1

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Camera Play is an extension for Unity that allows you to quickly add special camera effects to your C# scripts using only 1 line of code.

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Camera Play is a powerful solution for quickly adding special effects to your 2D, 2.5D, and 3D productions.

Give your creations a new dimension. Quickly add a Next-Gen look. Save production time.

For example, you can quickly add bullet impact effects in your scripts with one line of code without animating them manually. Add drops of water to your camera with impressive distortion effects, activate black bands for your cutscenes. All this is possible with Camera Play.

New version 1.1

– Add 3 new FX

– Add Inverse Color On / Off

– Add Fade In Out

Add Pinch Distortion


– For Unity 5.6 x and up

– For C # only

– 30 completely settable effects

– Also, blood, bullet impact, cutscene effects, etc.

– Impressive water drop effect

– 10 night-vision effects

– 10 ”drunk” effects

– Includes source code

– Good compatibility with recent mobile phones

– New effects will be added free-of-charge at each update

Possibility of use with JavaScript with small manual modifications: see

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