Character Selection Menu

by [email protected]

This is a paid asset, but now you can download Character Selection Menu for FREE, Please keep in mind this package is provided only for learning purposes or to be able to test before buying the product, NOT FOR COMMERCIAL PURPOSES.

Detail this asset from Unity Store: Original Link

Character Selection Menu v1.0

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The character selection menu is an easy and mobile optimized solution to let the choose from a list of displayed characters.
It comes with the most important character attributes, like:
– current exp and needed exp for lvl up
– current and maximal level
– passive effects
– character skill
– description
– character class/Race e.g. Human or Alien
– Rank + Rank icons, from R1(weakest) to R4(strongest)

– Select character from scrollrect
– unlock and activate character
– switch between characters
– level up character
– easy creation of character, characterClass and Skills via ScriptableObjects


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