Data Linked UI

by [email protected]

Data Linked UI is a Unity framework that allows you to implement a professional data-driven approach in creating a user interface for your applications. Using this asset, you can create flexible complex tile-based interface systems of any size.

For more detail this asset from the Unity Asset Store: Click Here

This is a paid asset, but now you can download the “Data Linked UI” for FREE, Please keep in mind this package is provided only for learning purposes or to be able to test before buying the product, NOT FOR COMMERCIAL PURPOSES.

Data Linked UI v1.1

VIP Only

Core Features:
Flexibility – allows to adapt and adjust to data change allowing various structural and functional configurations without requiring significant disruption of existing system.
Scalability – allows for easy and safe expansion of data structure as well as (and) adding new ways of visual data representation without disruption of existing or previously added components.
Extendibility – allows for expansion of core library (containing abstract classed of basic functionality) according with the app need, including addition of completely own implementations based on Data Link UI provided interfaces compatible with the core module.
UI Reactivity – UI reacts to data change through events subscription.
Network Friendliness – Data Link UI interacts with data reactively and asynchronously, allowing to support the distributed systems naturally.
Following best OOD practices – corresponds and respects the five principles of SOLID.
Providing domain-driven strong type safety – in our framework we suggest having domain-specific types according to the domain meaning of data element which ensures deeper type safety up to the level of domain logic (ex. preventing the description string from being displayed on the name label, etc.).


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