Easy Save – The Complete Save & Load Asset

by [email protected]

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Easy Save – The Complete Save & Load Asset v3.3.2f6 (Latest version)

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Easy Save – The Complete Save & Load Asset v3.3.2f5

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Easy Save – The Complete Save & Load Asset v3.3.2f4

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Easy Save – The Complete Save & Load Asset v3.3.2f3

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Easy Save – The Complete Save & Load Asset v3.3.2f2

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Easy Save – The Complete Save & Load Asset v3.3.2f1

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Easy Save – The Complete Save & Load Asset v3.3.1f10 (Latest version)

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Easy Save – The Complete Save & Load Asset v3.3.1f9

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Easy Save – The Complete Save & Load Asset v3.3.1f7

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Easy Save – The Complete Save & Load Asset v3.3.1f1

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How do I use Easy Save?
See the Getting Started guide

Why use Easy Save?
For Amateurs…
It’s easy to use and well documented
For Experts…
It’s fast, feature-rich and extremely flexible

• Compatible with
PC, Mac, Linux, Windows Universal,
iOS, tvOS, Android, Steam, WebGL

• Fast and Lightweight Serializer
Faster than PlayerPrefs
• Fully Documented
Examples & Tutorials
API Reference
• PlayMaker Support
Save and Load using Actions*
• 5-star Customer Support
via Email and Dedicated Forum
• Secure Save Data with Encryption
Encrypt Save Data
• Compact files with compression
Makes files 85% smaller on average
• Save & Load from Web
Upload & Download to cloud using PHP & MySQL
• Cross-Platform Save Data
Use Save Files & Code on All Supported Platforms
• Save Almost Any Type
Even saves references to Unity Objects
• Save as Spreadsheet
In CSV format for Excel
• File IO
Even save strings/bytes as files

How do I use Easy Save?
See the Getting Started guide

Spreadsheets and Excel
Using ES3Spreadsheet, Easy Save has the ability to create spreadsheets and store them in the CSV format which is supported by all popular spreadsheet software included Excel, OSX Numbers and OpenOffice.

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Appending rows to a spreadsheet
If you want to append data to an existing spreadsheet, set the append parameter to true when calling Save(). Any rows in the spreadsheet will be added to the end of the one we’re saving to.

Currently ES3Spreadsheet is unable to do the following, but may have these implemented in the future:

Save formulas.
Store formatting or styling information.
Save multiple worksheets.

Choosing what is saved
Only certain fields are saved by default (see Supported Types). To save other fields or properties, you can use attributes or ES3Types.

Controlling serialization using ES3Types
In some cases it’s not possible to add attributes, so it’s necessary to create an ES3Type.

An ES3Type script tells Easy Save what fields and properties of a type to save and how to save them. This can be created automatically, and modified if necessary.

Once the script is created, Easy Save will automatically find it and use it to serialize and de-serialize your type. You do not need to create an instance of the ES3Type.

Creating an ES3Type
An ES3Type can be created by going to the Window > Easy Save 3, and selecting the Types tab.

From here you can select your Type from the list and choose the fields and properties you wish to save.

Saving a field or property which is not explicitly serializable can have undesired effects, soyou should ensure it’s safe to serialize before selecting it.

Manually modifying an ES3Type
In some cases you will need to modify the ES3Type. For example:

When the type does not have a parameterless constructor.
When you need to call a method to access the variable you’re saving/loading.
You can do this by modifying the Write, Read and ReadInto methods of the ES3Type script generated in the Types pane. The ES3Type script can be found in /Assets/Easy Save 3/Types/.

Note that once you manually modify the ES3Type file, any changes made in the Types panel will overwrite your manual modifications.

Tags: save, load, serialize, serializer, playerprefs, storage, upload, download, serialization, serialisation, save file, import, export file, encryption, cloud, excel, obfuscate, playerprefs, auto save, compression, gzip, es3

*Playmaker is required to use Playmaker actions.

After importing Easy Save from the Asset Store, you can immediately use Easy Save from your scripts and from PlayMaker.

For information on saving and loading without code using Auto Save, see the Auto Save guide.

For information on PlayMaker actions available, see the PlayMaker Actions Overview.

Easy Save stores data as keys and values, much like a Dictionary.

To save a value, use ES3.Save
To load a value, use ES3.Load

Auto Save allows you to save supported Components on a GameObject and prefab instances.

Enabling Auto Save in your scene
Go to Window > Easy Save 3 > Auto Save and press ‘Enable Auto Save for this scene’.
Select the Components that you wish to save on the GameObjects in your scene.
Press the gear icon next to the Component to choose what variables are saved for all Components of that type.

Auto saving prefab instances
Right-click the prefab and press Easy Save 3 > Enable Easy Save for Prefab.
Go to Window > Easy Save 3 > Auto Save > Prefabs.
Select the Components of the prefabs you want to be saved

Saving and loading GameObjects and Prefabs

Code-free using Auto Save
For information on saving and loading GameObjects without code, please see the Auto Save guide.

Saving and loading GameObjects
Your scene must have an Easy Save 3 Manager to save and load GameObjects. To add this to your scene, go to Assets > Easy Save 3 > Add Manager to Scene.

Once you have done this, GameObjects can be saved and loaded like any other object:

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