GeNa Pro – Terrains, Villages, Roads & Rivers

by [email protected]

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GeNa Pro – Terrains, Villages, Roads & Rivers v3.1.1 (Latest version)

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GeNa Pro – Terrains, Villages, Roads & Rivers v3.1.0

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GeNa Pro – Terrains, Villages, Roads & Rivers v3.0.6

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GeNa Pro is a sophisticated level design system that enables you to create rivers, roads and villages and to shape and fill your terrain with rocks, trees grasses and more.

Born from years of commercial work, GeNa Pro can populate and shape terrains, spawn anything that can be added to a Unity scene, determine the best places to create and spawn villages and connect them with roads, and can also create roads and rivers and other sophisticated structures along splines.

GeNa Pro is at ease at runtime as it is at design time, and was designed with API control and extensibility in mind, so you can both extend GeNa Pro and embed it into your own solutions.

GeNa Pro is integrated with Gaia Pro, so that it is simple and fast to create environments that ‘just work’, and comes with sample spawner content packs for Gaia Pro and the free Flooded Grounds asset, so you can be up and running around in your own levels within minutes.

GeNa Pro consists of the following major components:

GeNa Spawners: Spawn assets into scenes.

GeNa Map Builder: Procedurally creates and connects towns.

GeNa Decorators: Decorate assets with logic that influences spawning.

GeNa Splines: Defines paths for Spawners & Spline Extensions.

GeNa Rivers: A specialized spline extension for river networks.

GeNa Roads: A specialized spline extension for road networks.

Key Benefits:

Easy to use.
Nicer environments.
Massive time savings.
Replicable quality through automation.
Better frame rates (dependent on situation).
Better lighting.

Key Features:

Single, global, paint, spline & map based spawn modes.
Extensible spawner, decorator and spline and city building systems.
Spawns textures, grasses, trees, prefabs, structures, towns, rivers, roads.
Automated map generation system finds optimal spaces for villages, spawns them, and then connects them with roads.
Automated road generation system grade based path finding.
Automated river generation system with flow based path finding.
Works on terrains and meshes across multiple terrain tiles.
Automated prefab optimization system.
Automated light probe placement.
Edit and runtime spawning modes.
In editor physics based spawning.
API controllable.

Supported Pipelines:

GeNa needs compute shader support to work.
Pipeline agnostic, we spawn what you put in.
River shader currently supports built in. Multi-pipeline support will be added in a later release. Swap in own shader for your preferred pipeline.

Road Map:

We have big plans for GeNa Pro, and it is still under active development. Here are some of the things we have in mind for future releases.

Roads & paths:

New roads shader
Different types of roads and paths
Intersections and decals
Bridges and underpasses


More sophisticated intersections
Multiple SRP’s

Runtime Terrain Generation:

Ability to create and texture Unity and Mesh terrains at runtime


More sophisticated decorator options

Source Code:

Not provided. Contact us privately if you wish to purchase.

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Upgrade Policy:

Every year as we develop our products we charge a maintenence (upgrade) fee between 20-50% of retail price depenent on the amount of effort required and aligned with the Unity versions they support. You are not obliged to upgrade to newer versions if you do not need to. All upgrade money is fed back to the team to ensure that we can continue to grow and support you as Unity evolves.

Why Procedural Worlds?

At Procedural Worlds we create quality products that are easy to use, nicely integrated and well supported. We document our products and provide video tutorials on our YouTube channel. Your investment supports our team to create better products sooner and provide timely support. To learn more about us please check out our reviews and come and say hello or ask a question on our discord channel.

Our World Creation Products:

Gaia Pro – A world and scene generation system for creating, texturing, planting and populating scenes from low poly mobile, VR and through to high end desktop.

SECTR Complete 2019 – A suite of performance-enhancing tools that enable open world streaming, massive mobile games and includes the latest techniques in audio occlusion and propagation.

Our World Enhancement Products:

Ambient Sounds – A tool that creates interactive soundscapes that also comes with professionally composed sound effects and music library.

Ambient Skies – An integrated Skies, Post FX and Lighting system that makes it easy to create visually beautiful scenes.

Our Utilities:

Pegasus – A system that can drive anything along a path. Great for cut-scenes, and even has an intelligent driver that drives characters, formations, animation and even has local avoidance for your npc’s and animals!

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