HDRP Lighting Box 2 : NextGen Lighting Solution

by [email protected]

This is a paid asset, but now you can download HDRP Lighting Box 2 : NextGen Lighting Solution Free.

Detail this asset from Unity Store: Original Link

HDRP Lighting Box 2 NextGen Lighting Solution v1.6 (Latest version)

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This package helps you to get the best lighting setup in a shortest possible time

Latest update only works on Unity 2020 LTS and HRP10.x or newer versions.

You can download update 1.2 fro Unity 2019 from doc folder after importing this package

Also is available in the Lighting Tools 2022

Follow forum thread

Tutorial playlist 2021 for Update 1.6

This product is really a time saving tool for you based on my 20,000 hours of experience on lighting and graphics.

With this product, you no longer need to spend a lot of time adjusting the lighting and optimizing your game and you can spend your time personalizing it to achieve better results…

In most AAA game engines such as Unreal and Cry Engine, you have a all in one tool for customizing game graphics and post production, Now using the Lighting Box 2 you have the same tool in Unity Yes, a all in one tool that helps you create a game with AAA graphics even without lighting knowledge in few minutes instead of few weeks

I have 20,000 lighting experiences in Unity but now I can not do lighting without Lighting box

Main Features:

– *New* Terrain Tessellation Shader – All in one lighting and graphics settings

– Day night cycle prefab with amazing sun lighting

– Optimized lighting and effects

– Video training

– Create ,save and share lighting profiles for different scenes and projects

– Default graphics for every scene

– For every game type (Simulation,cartoon,filmic)

– Easy to learn and use

– A real time saver

– For both beginner and advanced users

Enjoy it!!!

Import Guide:

– Take a backup from your project

– Install HDRP from Window->Package Manager

– Import HDRP Lighting Box 2

– Watch the videos

Update guide:

– Take a backup from your project

– Remove HDLighting Box 2 folder from your project

– Delete old package from unity temp files (users folder)

– Download latest update again and import it

After purchasing this asset, you can upgrade to other assets with discount:

10$ upgrade to the Lighting Box 2

5$ upgrade to the URP Lighting Box 2

5$ upgrade to the Mobile Lighting Box

40$ upgrade to the Lighting Tools 2022

My other lighting assets:

Lighting Tools 2020

HDRP Lighting Box 2 : NextGen Lighting Solution

Universal Lighting Box 2

Lighting Box 2 Next-Gen Lighting Solution

Built-In Mobile Lighting Box 2020

Realistic Car Lighting Sample 2020

Mobile Water Sea

Tree Collection Pack

Interior Lighting Kit (VR-Mobile-Standalone)

Interior Lighting Template Vol.2

ArchViz Lighting Kit (Paris)

HD Glass Pack

Real ArchViz Sample

Mobile Color Grading

– Only HD pipeline is supported

– Latest update only works on unity 2020.3 or newer

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