Highlight Plus

by [email protected]

This is a paid asset, but now you can download Highlight Plus Free.

Detail this asset from Unity Store: Original Link

Highlight Plus v6.7 (Latest version)

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Highlight Plus v6.5.2

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Highlight Plus v6.5

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Highlight Plus v5.3.4

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Highlight Plus v5.1

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Highlight Plus v4.0

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Highlight Plus v3.6

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Highlight Plus v3.2.3

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Highlight Plus adds outline, glow, overlay, see-through and other effects to any 3D object in your scene.

HP has been designed with platform compatibility and performance in mind.

Web demo

** Visual Features **

– Outline color, alpha and width.
– Outer glow color, width, alpha, animation speed, dithering, multi-colored.
– Inner glow color, width and intensity.
– Overlay color, alpha and animation speed.
– See-Through effect intensity, tint color and alpha. Occluded objects keep their correct depth. Plus additional colored border option.
– Target effect with customizable transition, animation, texture and color. Also compatible with Skinned Meshes. In addition to highlight a target you can now focus attention to any number of locations with this new feature.
– Hit/Flash effect with customizable color, intensity and fade out duration.

** Other features **

– Preview effect in Editor (no need to go into play mode).
– Extreme flexibility: can affect individual or group of objects or run in automatic mode with layer option.
– Option to trigger by entering a volume.
– Can exclude specific submeshes.
– Event system to fine-control automatic mode.
– Fade in/out.
– Copy settings into reusable profiles.
– Works with normal, skinned meshes and LOD groups.
– Works with orthographic and perspective cameras as well as with multiple cameras.
– Safe: does not modify object materials, shader nor mesh.
– Performant: this is not a full screen image effect.
– Ordered see-through. More details here.
– 3 quality levels.

** Platform compatibility **

Built-in / Standard pipeline (Unity 2018.4+)
– Compatible with Mac, Windows, Android, iOS, WebGL.
– VR compatible.
– Super fast on mobile.

Universal Rendering Pipeline (Unity 2019.3+)
The asset includes a version designed for Universal Rendering Pipeline as well.

Note: Highlight Plus works with meshes (3D or 2D).
For Sprite highlighting use Highlight Plus 2D.


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