Mesh pencil 3d mesh generator from 2d draw data

by [email protected]

This is a paid asset, but now you can download Mesh pencil 3d mesh generator from 2d draw data Free.

Detail this asset from Unity Store: Original Link

Mesh pencil 3d mesh generator from 2d draw data v1.3

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Setup a canvas and draw something by touch or mouse. Drawn figure will be converted from 2d to 3d and spawn to need place

Mesh pencil is an asset for unity which converts your 2D input by drawing to 3D mesh.

The asset works in realtime play mode and not able to use it in the editor scene.

Is not require special libraries and packages for installing.


Configure draw canvas area

Easy setup a pixel canvas with custom sizes by configuring pixels quantity in a row and columns amount.

Control a single pixel dimension, sprite and colors for your style and design requirements

Common input commands

The input controller has base functions for painting, erasing, brush size control.

You could customize the cursor draw/erase mode sprites.

Supports input from the mouse for pc and by touches + UI elements from mobile devices.

Creating the collider

Rigid body component is not supports non-convex mesh collider.

For physics features , the asset able to create a dynamic “complex box collider”.


There are methods for save/load drawn data into a file which will be placed in the persistent data folder.

It helps load lightweight data files in realtime.

Especially useful for multiplayer mechanics

Supported platforms

-The asset supports most popular platforms :






Update 1.1

– Pivot definer component

Creates and set pivot on drawn mesh borders

– Render camera support

Pixel canvas automatically has same layer like the MeshPencil

– Public getters/setters for main controller

– New public events in MeshPencilController

There are tutrial videos how to use asset :

Demonstration video

User manual video

How to use pivots

Create a drawing mechanic for simple game

Setup render camera for Mesh Pencil Canvas

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