OmniShade – Mobile Optimized Shader

by [email protected]

Fully-featured stylized shader, optimized for mobile devices. Packed with all the latest techniques, yet blazingly fast due to a progressive system of calculating only what it needs to.

For more detail this asset from the Unity Asset Store: Click Here

This is a paid asset, but now you can download the “OmniShade – Mobile Optimized Shader” for FREE, Please keep in mind this package is provided only for learning purposes or to be able to test before buying the product, NOT FOR COMMERCIAL PURPOSES.

OmniShade – Mobile Optimized Shader v1.6.9

VIP Only

OmniShade is a highly performant shader deasiagned for mobile devices. It is packed with a multitude of techniques allowing it to achieve almost any look from realistic to toon to anime, yet also blazingly fast due to an adaptive system of calculating only what it needs to for any feature set.

It was designed to bridge the gap between Unity’s Standard Shader and mobile shaders, but can often look even better than desktop-class shaders due to its high level of stylization, combination, and customization.

All of the sample images above were rendered using only OmniShade, the variety of expression is limitless. It can be used for a game with complex lighting or simple sprites — regardless, the performance is always optimal.

It is quite possibly the only shader you will need for your entire game.


All of the below can be used in any combination with optimal performance!

Color adjustments + desaturation
Diffuse soft lighting
Specular map + hair highlights
Rim light
Normal map
Occlusion map
Emissive map
Vertex colors for vertex painting
Detail map
3 blended layers
Transparency mask
Height based colors
Shadow overlay
Vertex-sway for vegetation
Anime ramp lighting
Fade with camera distance
UV Tile Discard
Flat shading
Environmental lighting, fog, and light probes
Shadows + shadow colors
Unity baked global illumination support
Full access to culling and blend settings + presets for opaque/transparent objects
Highly tunable controls for all features
…see our website for in-depth specs of each feature.

On top of this, we also include:

Built-In and URP pipeline support
Progressively adaptive performance which automatically detects and generates the minimal shader variant for any given set of enabled features.
Script for animating textures in the shader
Slick collapsable shader UI, easily extendable
Set of tutorial demo scenes

It’s true, the Standard Shader is still too slow for mobile devices. And let’s face it, giving an artist Shader Graph is like giving a baby a gun. But it doesn’t mean you have to compromise on your game’s looks.


Why upgrade to OmniShade Pro?

OmniShade Pro offers advanced features beneficial for larger projects:

Triplanar Projection Mapping for texturing modular or procedural geometry
Optimized shader stripping to achieve minimum memory and build size
Custom fallback shader for OpenGL ES 2 devices


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