Parallax Scrolling VZ

by [email protected]

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Parallax Scrolling VZ v1.2.0

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Parallax Scrolling VZ provides an easy-to-use framework to create parallax scrolling backgrounds in Unity.

Try it Here
Demo Video
Tutorial – Texture Offset
Tutorial – Infinite Cam Follow
More Tutorials Here


Infinite Texture Offset
– Constantly wraps the background textures
Non-Infinite Camera Follow
– Parallax based on character movement – textures do not repeat. Great option for long levels with different textures
Infinite Camera Follow
– Parallax based on character movement – textures repeat themselves.


– Easy-to-setup Horizontal & Vertical Parallax scrolling for 2D Games
– Uses orthographic cameras
– 3 Types of Parallax included
– Uses texture quads
– Infinitely wrap textures along both X and Y axis
– Parallax scrolling based on the camera following the character’s movement
– Custom inspector for texture offset scrolling
– Ability to find pixel-perfect X & Y scale for your textures
– Prefabs with camera & layers attached for easy change out
– Ability to change scrolling speed & Z-depth for each background layer
– C# scripts
– Demo scenes

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