Pixel Monsters Vol 2

by [email protected]

20 pixel art creatures perfect to use in almost any 2d game as heroes or enemies.

For more detail this asset from the Unity Asset Store: Click Here

This is a paid asset, but now you can download the “Pixel Monsters Vol 2” for FREEPlease keep in mind that this package is provided only for learning purposes or to test before buying the product, NOT FOR COMMERCIAL PURPOSES.

Pixel Monsters Vol 2 v1.0

VIP Only

A total of 20 hand made pixel art monsters fully animated.

UPDATE: A version of the sprites with black outline has been included, which makes them more compatible with the style of Pixel Monsters Vol 1 or for those who simply prefer this style. The sprites remain exactly the same, only the black outline was added, and the sprites from the previous version are still included.

The sprites were created with a base size of 32x32px for most creatures, but there is a wide variety of sizes depending on the creature or its animations.

These creatures have a wide variety of sizes and animations, making it possible to give them different uses, such as heroes, enemies or level bosses.

Some VFX sprites are also included, which enhance the impact of certain animations and attacks.

Watch the video to get a detailed view of each monster and their animations.

Technical details

Content list:

The Sprites folder includes the sprite sheets for each of the characters and VFX.

Sprite dimensions (all sizes are in pixels):

monster 1 – cell size 100×100

m1_Dead 1200×100

m1_Hit 300×100

m1_Walk 700×100

mosnter 2 – cell size 100×100

m2_Attack 1600×100

m2_Dead 1200×100

m2_Fly 400×100

m2_Hit 400×100

m2_Idle 800×100

m2_projectile 384×32 cell size 64×34

monster 3 – cell size 128×128

m3_Attack 2048×128

m3_Dead_Air 512×128

m3_Dead_ground 1408×128

m3_Fly 512×128

m3_Hit 512×128

m3_Idle 1024×128

m3_Projectile 384×34 cell size 64×34

monster 4 – cell size 74×74

m4_Alert 592×74

m4_Attack 740×74

m4_Blink 592×74

m4_Dead 888×74

m4_DeadImpact 666×74


m4_Idle 592×74

m4_Run 592×74

m4_Walk 592×74

monster 5 – cell size 100×100

m5_Attack 1500×100

m5_Dead 1200×100

m5_Hit 400×100

m5_Idle 400×100

m5_Projectile 42×9

m5_Walk 600×100

monster 6 – cell size 100×100

m6a_Attack 1100×100

m6a_projectile 19×19

m6b_Attack 1100×100

m6b_Tentacle 651×153

monster 7 – cell size 180×132

m7_Dead 1440×660

m7_Fall 180×132

m7_HitAir 1440×132

m7_HitGround 1440×132

m7_Idle 1440×528

m7_landing 1260×132

m7_Roar 720×132

m7_RoarAnticipation 1440×264

m7_RoarRecoil 1440×264

m7_RollAttack 720×132

m7_RollAttackAnticipation 1440×528

m7_RollAttackRecoil 1440×264

m7_SpikeAttack 720×132

m7_SpikeAttackAnticipation 1440×264

m7_SpikeAttackRecoil 1440×264

m7_TakeOff 1440×396

m7_Tired 1440×264

m7_Walk 1440×396


m7_DustFX 668×82

monster 8 – cell size 96×96

m8_Attack 960×480

m8_Dead 1056×288

m8_Hit 288×96

m8_Idle 672×96

m8_Run 768×96

m8_firebreathFX 1800×400 – cell size 180×100

monster 9 – cell size 96×96

m9_Attack 480×96

m9_Dead 864×96

m9_Hit 288×96

m9_Idle 576×96

m9_Run 768×96

monster 10 – cell size 138×96

m10_Attack1 966×96

m10_Attack2 966×96

m10_Blink 828×96

m10_Dead 1932×96

m10_Hit 552×96

m10_Idle 828×96

m10_Jump 2048×96

m10_Run 1104×96

monster 11 – cell size 64×64

m11_Attack 1024×64

m11_Dead_Air 256×24

m11_Dead_Ground 794×64

m11_Fly 256×64

m11_Hit 256×64

m11_Idle 512×64

m11_Projectile 32×32

monster 12 – cell seze 160×96

m12_Attack 960×96

m12_Blink 960×96

m12_Dead 960×96

m12_Hit 480×96

m12_Idle 960×96

m12_Run 960×96

monster 13 – cell size 96×96

m13_Attack 576×96

m13_Dead 1248×96

m13_Hit 288×96

m13_Idle 576×96

m13_Walk 576×96

monster 14 – cell size 100×100

m14_Attack 1000×100

m14_Dead1 1200×100

m14_Dead2 1200×100

m14_HIt1 300×100

m14_Hit2 300×100

m14_Walk 800×100

m14_Spike 15×16


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