Popup Youtube Android Ios

by [email protected]

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Popup Youtube Android Ios

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Work For Android & Ios
Simple plugin function to display youtubeview in full screen or custom screen
For Android :

on Menu Player Settings > Android Tab > Other Settings > Configuration set Internet Access to Require

For Ios

Ios Setup to Use

This is simple plugin to call access native function youtube webview in ios
and display popup screen in Unity.

Setup to Use :

For Unity 4.xx
– After Build Export to Xcode Project you need add file assets.bundle(find in Folder Assets/Plugin/Ios/Assets.bundle)
into Xcode Project

For Unity 5.xx
– on Plugin Inspector file libPopupYoutube.a(in Folder Assets/Plugin/Ios/libPopupYoutube.a) check framework dependencies corefoundation to true

How to use :

There are 2 function to call from PopupYoutubeIos Class

– To Display FullScreen Youtube

– To Display Custom Screen Youtube

youtubeid = your video youtube id
autoplay = autoplay when video load
show info = show video title info
width = screen width
height = screen height

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