Shooter 2 | Game Creator 2 by Catsoft Works

by [email protected]

Create a Weapon asset and define the logic of your own custom arsenal. The Ammo and Reload assets let you customize both the projectile type(s) and reloading animations played by characters.

For more detail this asset from the Unity Asset Store: Click Here

This is a paid asset, but now you can download the “Shooter 2 | Game Creator 2 by Catsoft Works” for FREEPlease keep in mind that this package is provided only for learning purposes or to test before buying the product, NOT FOR COMMERCIAL PURPOSES.

Shooter 2 | Game Creator 2 by Catsoft Works v2.0.2

VIP Only

Shoot, throw and launch projectiles using your own custom weapons!

This module requires Unity LTS and Game Creator 2 in order to work.

Create shooting mechanics has never been easier!

Configure how bones bend and move using procedural recoil, off-hand placement and aiming down-sights with perfect precision, while also choosing the amount of weapon sway for each individual scope.

You can create shooting mechanics for any kind of genre! Including third-person, first-person, side-scroll games and top-down shooters!

Use Game Creator’s Visual Scripting tools to interact with the Shooter module and create the combat system of your dreams! Anywhere from slow and methodical survival games to fast bullet hells!

There’s plenty of built-in weapons that serve as examples to learn from. Each one teaching a unique mechanic:

Assault Rifle: Full-automatic weapon with a holographic scope shader
Pistol: Semi-automatic gun that can get jammed
Bow: Charged weapon with kinematic projectiles
Flamethrower: Shoot a stream after charging
Minigun: Increases fire-rate while holding the trigger
Grenade: Area of effect weapon that fires after a timeout
Revolver: Reloading is done bullet-by-bullet that can be canceled
Sniper Rifle: Uses realistic ballistics and has an active-reload
Shotgun: Fires multiple projectiles per shot
Wand: Shoots at a target tracing an arc
Flashlight: Does not shoot but uses procedural motion to aim the light

All examples come with their own 3D models that you can use to experiment and create your own games.


Source code
Weapon Examples

Technical details

Inverse Kinematics and Forward Kinematics rig
Procedural aiming, recoil and off-hand placement
4 Projectile modes
Multiple weapon examples


Source Code
Compatible with all Game Creator modules
Ability to create any kind of range weapon


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