Tiled TMX Importer

by [email protected]

This is a paid asset, but now you can download Tiled TMX Importer Free.

Detail this asset from Unity Asset Store: Original Link

Tiled TMX Importer v1.75 (Latest version)

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Tiled TMX Importer v1.57

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Tiled TMX Importer v1.45

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Load your maps from the Tiled editor straight into Unity’s native Tilemap system introduced in 2017.2!

Tile Palettes are generated from your Tiled tilesets, allowing further editing or real-time destruction from within your game!

Full Source Included

Currently Supported:
– Edit time loading of TMX files into a scene
– Orthogonal orientation
– *NEW FOR 2018.2* Hexagonal Orientation
– *NEW FOR 2018.3* Isometric Orientation
– Tiled Objects
– Custom Tiled properties
– Rotations
– Tile Layers
– Image layers
– Group layers
– Tags
– Referenced tilesets
– Embedded tilesets
– Single-image tilesets
– Animation
– Tile render order
– Base64 decoding
– Zlib-decompression
– G-Zip decompression
– Plain XML data mode
– Tiled 1.1 Infinite Map support
– Tiled 1.1 Object Template support

Also included is a Pixel Perfect follow camera script to kick-start your 2D game ?

Feedback is appreciated:
[email protected]

WARNING: This asset contains a copy of the semi-official Unity AnimatedTile class found here, so if your project contains this already, then there will be a conflict until one of the copies is removed.

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