Traffic Racing complete kit

by [email protected]

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Traffic Racing complete kit v2.1 (Latest version)

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The Traffic Racing complete kit is a full template to create endless traffic racing games easily. Add your own vehicles to the garage, unlock them and drive them in the desert or village. The cars prevent accidents automatically and switch lines. All UI menu’s, models, scripts and scenes are included.

– cars, bus, truck
– road, bridge, trees and houses

Start screen:
Simple credits, quit button and play button

– Buy/unlock new cars
– Add cars in the inspector easily
– Automatically saves unlocked cars
– Drag to view the cars
– Give each car a unique name, price and speed

2 endless locations:
– Desert scene
– Village scene
– Roads are endless with houses, trees, cactus and cars
– All roadside objects are spawned in random waves to create some variation besides the road

Count down text

Endless car wave spawning

Smart cars:
– Using ray cast, spawned cars prevent accidents by decelerating and accelerating.
– The cars switch lines
– While switching line, they indicate their direction with lights

Pause panel:
– Pauses the game. Choose the controls (touch, tilt) and set game volume
– Saves changed settings automatically

Smoothly switch camera between two views

– Your car immediately crashes when it hits another car with the front
– It also crashes when you have a certain amount of collisions and smoke is visible

Game over screen:
– After a crash, the game over screen gets visible. It shows your distance, saves your distance, adds coins based on your distance and shows some buttons.

Custom inspector:
– choose between mobile controls and pc controls
– Easily delete playerprefs data

– Keyboard controls
– Simple vibration on collision

– Two directions

– Player cars rotate based on their movement
– All cars have rotating wheels
– Motorcycle + driver ragdoll
– Simple cinematic camera intro
– Rivers & lakes with boats
– Road manager to control road transitions
– Roadside objects can be different after each road transition
– Near miss bonus
– Bonus for driving in the wrong direction
– New main menu/garage design
– Few UI updates
– Warning when buying a new car
– Blinking lights when switching lines
– Unity Ads integration
– Automatically switching controls based on build platform
– Screen transitions

– Object pooling
– Coins & coin magnet

– Full game
– Commented C# scripts
– PDF documentation
– Tested on Samsung Galaxy S3/S4/S7

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