uContext Pro

by [email protected]

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uContext Pro v2.9 (Latest version)

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uContext Pro v2.7

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uContext Pro v2.6

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uContext Pro v2.5.2

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uContext Pro v2.5.1

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uContext v1.10

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uContext is a toolkit that take your workflow in Unity Editor to a next level, simplifies working with content, adds new features to the editor, corrects and improves the editor’s built-in behaviors.

A huge number of new and unique features in one toolkit, at the price of a small utility.

Make your usual actions with lightning speed with uContext.

Key features:

– Universal context menu which is available everywhere in Unity Editor and allows you to quickly open the most useful windows, open components, create objects, add components, navigate and perform many more useful actions.

– WAILA (What Am I Looking At) + Smart Selection. WAILA displays one or all GameObjects under the cursor, and allows you to quickly find any object, even if it is hidden behind another object.
Smart Selection allows you to quickly select any object that WAILA shows.

– Object Placer allows you to easily and quickly create objects in the scene. Just point to the place where you want to create the object and press CTRL + SHIFT + Right Click.

– Ability to open any component in a separate window. The component will always be available, even if GameObject has lost focus.

– View Gallery – displaying images from all cameras in the scene and all View States, with the ability to set the view from the camera or View State with one click.
In addition, you can save View States for selection, and quickly restore it.

– Quick Preview shows the image from cameras and View States in Scene View.
Allows you to quickly view the scene from different angles, and adjust the scene view in one click.

– Bookmarks for any objects in a scene or project, allow you to always keep your most needed objects at hand.
In addition, you can store folders from the project in bookmarks, which gives you almost limitless possibilities for organizing content.

– Smart Search for GameObjects and Components in the scene, assets in the project, and items in the menu.
Extra search features:
Fuzzy search: allows you to search by characters and parts of a word, for example, enter «pw» to find «Project Window».
Search by type: Enter «:» and the type of object (in whole or in part) to search by type. For example, «wa:te» will find «08. Waila» texture in the project, or «DL:go» will find «Directional Light» GameObject in the scene.
Drag and Drop: You can drag and drop objects from search results into a scene or inspector.

– Selection History – uContext stores a history of object selections in the scene and project, and you can quickly switch between entries.

– Duplicate Tool – just drag GameObjects in the desired direction to create a duplicate. Ability to temporarily switch to the Duplicate Tool from the Move Tool or Transform Tool by pressing CTRL + SHIFT.

Improves the built-in behavior of the Unity Editor:
– Drag and drop objects onto Canvas;
– Add Component by shortcut;
– Change the size of the brush Terrain Editor using the mouse wheel;
– Maximize Game View in playmode by SHIFT + Space;
– Maximize any window by F11.

Additional features:
– Components in Hierarchy + display components errors and exceptions on Hierarchy;
– Grouping and ungrouping GameObjects;
– Quick replacement GameObjects;
– Fast switching between Scene View and Game View (CTRL + SHIFT + TAB);
– Temporary objects. Allows you to create temporary objects that will be destroyed at start the scene;
– Fast zoom in / out scene view;
– Rename GameObjects in Scene View by F2;
– Integration with Online Maps, Real World Terrain;
– Built-in update system.

uContext is fully customizable. If a feature does not fit your workflow, you can adjust or disable this feature.

Worried about the quality of the asset or are not sure that it is suitable for your project?!
After the purchase you have two weeks to test.
If the asset is not suitable for your project, has any problems or you simply do not like it, contact us and we will make a refund.

Other Infinity Code assets:
Huge Texture allows you to import and use textures larger than 8192x8192px.
Mesh to Terrain is a tool for easily and quickly converting a 3D terrain model created in 3ds Max, Terragen or any other editor to Unity Terrains.
Online Maps is a universal multi-platform mapping solution for your 2D, 3D, AR / VR and mobile applications and games.
Real World Terrain is a tool for automatically creating high-quality terrains, meshes, Gaia stamps and RAW files based on real-world data with global coverage.
Terrain Quality Manager is a tool for changing the resolution of Unity Terrain maps (Heightmap, Detailmap, Alphamap and Basemap) without losing data.
uPano is a universal solution for displaying dynamic and static panoramas, and creating virtual tours.
Views is a standalone version of the View Gallery and Quick Preview features from uContext, allowing you to save, view and restore View States, and preview cameras.


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