URP – Polybrush Shaders

by [email protected]

This Pack contains a set of shaders specially created for use with Polybrush. If you want to use Polybrush to paint advanced shaders and increase the quality of your scenes, this pack is for you.

For more detail this asset from the Unity Asset Store: Click Here

This is a paid asset, but now you can download the “URP – Polybrush Shaders” for FREE, Please keep in mind this package is provided only for learning purposes or to be able to test before buying the product, NOT FOR COMMERCIAL PURPOSES.

URP – Polybrush Shaders v2020.6

VIP Only

The package contains two versions of each shader : The Lite and the Pro shaders. The Lite shaders are a simplified version of the Pro shaders that contain a base layer and an effect layer (That can be painted). The Pro shader takes into account, in addition to the base layer and the effect layer, one or even two additional paintable layers.

Find here our version compatible with the HD Render Pipeline.

Supported Unity versions

2022 LTS (by default)

2019 LTS –> 2021 LTS

The file includes URP and Built-in shaders.

The package is set up to URP Render Pipeline by default (since v2022.3). Please follow the URP setup in the documentation for Universal Render Pipeline projects.

For Built-in RP, delete the URP folder and unpack the Builtin-Polybrush shaders.unitypackage.

Documentation included

This package already contains 12 shaders. The Basic Lite and Pro, the advanced Standard Pro, the Flood and the Rainy Puddles Lite and Pro shaders. Other shaders will be added over time (cf list below).

The price will increase with new updates. Buy now at a reduced price, and support the development of this package.

Shaders :

Each shader comes with different versions (Basic, Lite or Pro)

– Basic

– Standard

– Flood

– Rainy and puddles

– Snow

– Ice (coming soon)

– Ice and snow (coming soon)

And more

Don’t hesitate to suggest in the comments or by email, any shaders you would like to see in this package.

Basic, Lite and Pro shaders :

The package contains 3 types of shaders

– Basic

The Basic are the lightest shaders. They include a main layer and the effect layer.

– Lite

The Lite versions might look slightly different depending on the shader, but in most cases they include the basic functions plus displacement and tessellation options.

– Pro

The Pro versions are the most advanced version. They include 3 paintable layers and the options of displacement and tessellation. Depending on the shaders, a wet layer can also be available.

Features :

– Built-In and URP support.

– Polybrush dependencies (Texture Blend)

– Mobile friendly

– PBR Metallic Workflow.

– Metallic, Ao, Height map and Smoothness channel-packed Textures.

– Heightmap support for both RP.

– Easy blend up to 3 different materials on one mesh with their Base color, Normal, Metallic, Smoothness, Height map and Ambient occlusion.


– Paint Wet and puddles effects.

– Full control on blending layer using the height map values.

– Advanced displacement controls.

– Tessellation with min and max value to fade tessellation depending on camera distance.

– Additional reflection to enhance overall quality of the water effects.

– Height map with parallax control.

– Brightness and saturation control for each layer.

– Waves water normal map with intensity speed and direction controls

– Raindrop simulated with size and speed splashes

– Rain ripples using flipbook with atlas normal map. 2 different texture atlas are included. They come in 4k .png format, and they are divided in 8 columns and 8 rows.


– Glittering effect.

– Choose between Smoothness and Emissive Sparkle mode.

– Add snow effect using a Mask map.

– Advanced control on snow blending.

– Mask the glittering effect by shadow and Ao map.


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