Lean GUI Shapes

This is a paid asset, but now you can download Lean GUI Shapes for FREE, but please remember this package is provided only for learning purposes or to be able to test before buying the product, NOT FOR COMMERCIAL PURPOSES.

Detail this asset from Unity Store: Original Link

Lean GUI Shapes v2.0.2

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Add lines, rounded boxes, polygons, and much more using Lean GUI Shapes! Each shape is procedural and fully customizable, allowing you to quickly tweak your UI designs.

💡 Many Demo Scenes ― Lean GUI Shapes includes a wide range of tutorial demo scenes, which take you step-by-step through each feature in different scenarios. These scenes contain detailed description text, which explain what is being shown, which components were used, and which settings were used.

💡 Easy To Use ― Lean GUI Shapes was designed to be as flexible as possible, while still being easy to use. To achieve this, each component is fully modular, follows Unity’s inspector design style, has intuitively named settings, and includes detailed tooltip text. If you’re a programmer then full C# source code is also included, allowing you to create and modify anything you like!

💡 Long Term Support ― Lean assets have received regular updates for over 6 years. Thank you to everyone who was downloaded, rated, reviewed, and provided feedback so far!

💡 LeanPoint ― Allows you to make UI elements that follow a specific point in your scene (e.g. location marker, damage indicator).

💡 LeanLine ― Allows you to make UI elements that connect two specific points in your scene (points can be 2D, 3D, or UI).

💡 LeanBox ― Allows you to make a box shape with customizable corner rounding, edge blur, edge thickness, and much more!

💡 LeanPolygon ― Allows you to make custom shapes based on a list of points that can be easily modified using the custom editor that comes built-in.

💡 LeanCircle ― Allows you to make custom circles with a customizable radius, thickness, edge blur, and much more!

This asset uses the VarelaRound font under SIL OFL 1.1; see Third-Party Notices.txt file in package for details.

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